Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kissing girls

I've been doing some thinking lately, about kissing girls.

While I enjoy, and usually prefer, the company and attention of men (my man) -- kissing girls is really nice. It is softer, less bristly, different.

Hugging them is nice too. I used to think having more than two breasts involved would get in the way, but somehow it all works out. Remember way back before your first real *kiss*, you worried what to do about the noses? How do you keep from bumping noses??? And it all worked out somehow? Breasts are the same (squishier, but same principle) and it all works out somehow.

Anyway, for long term intimate and sexual relationships, I prefer men (my man); but kissing girls is really nice!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

songs of the daisy

I love you.
I want you.

I cannot make you love or want me.

If you do
it will be super
it will be brilliant
it will be incandescent

If you do not
I will miss you
But the greater loss will be yours.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Whine wine

I am a real whiner, aren't I? Or is that a whino? ?

No I am not broken, and thank Goddess for that.
Also, the missing piece is only a self-perceived missing piece. Thank Goddess for that too.

Practicing the presence of Goddess includes living with an attitude of gratitude and I *really* need to work on that part!

I am grateful for the presence of a wonderful man, wonderful lover, in my life.

So there. Pbbfftt!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I am not broken

I am not broken.

I have never contemplated my own suicide.

I have never married, or even lived with, a man old enough to be my father. [Full disclosure: in my late 20's I did date a man 30 years older for a few months.]

I can change my own light bulbs.

I have never done hard drugs, nor been arrested for substance abuse issues.

I emerged from the divorce as a strong, whole, and healthy person. I am financially secure and own my own home. My children are healthy and happy.




I do have a piece missing.

It would be nice [I think] to have someone who looks to me, and my wants / desires / needs, first before all others.

I have a primary partner but I want to be a primary partner.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

On the cusp of a new decade

I really wanted to have something profound to write tonight but nothing comes to mind.

It may be a mark of how far into the polyamory lifestyle I am -- my lover is spending tonight at our vacation house with his other lover while his wife is going to sleep over at my house tonight.

Happy New Year, and Goddess bless us, every one.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


He brings out the best in me; because of him I reach higher.
He believes I am strong; because of him I am.
He calls me intrepid and I become fearless.

He believes I am beautiful and I walk in grace.
He is kind, caring and compassionate, so I strive to be.
His soul holds no pettiness, so it leaches out of mine.

Because of him I am a better person; I become the woman he believes me to be.

Friday, November 13, 2009


The journey started in March 2006. Newly divorced, looking around for a way to support myself, I stumbled on Veterinary Nursing, shadowed Mika for a day at Santa Clara Pet Hospital and fell in love with a whole profession. Highlights of the journey --

April 10, 2006 -- Intro to Vet Tech course began. Also began the collection of transcripts and documentation necessary for applying to Foothill College's Vet Tech program.

August 13, 2006 -- First "Peninsula Fix Our Ferals" (PFOF) clinic. I drew up medications into syringes and learned how to give sub-cutaneous injections into real, living, cats! OK, so they were anesthetized at the time, but ... still ... !

Fall Quarter 2006, began my "remedial" Anatomy & Physiology and Chemistry classes because it had been too long since I had taken them in college. I also got to take my first "real" VT class -- Medical Terminology. Whee!

Winter Quarter 2006, more A&P and a VT Medical Maths class. I can do this!

Spring Quarter 2007, last A&P class along with a VT Large Animal Medicine class and ... quelle horreur ... Microbiology four nights a week! June 2006 arrived and survival with it. In July, the precious acceptance letter.

Fall Quarter 2007 and REAL VT courses. September 27, 2007 was my first (of hundreds!) Animal Care shift.

April 2008, internship began at Banfield Pet Hospital

June 2008, right after final exams, my first convention: Pacific Veterinary Conference, exposure to best practices and latest ideas and vendors galore.

September 26, 2008, along with co-Lab Mom Melinda, oriented a new class of Firsties.

February 2009, second big convention, Western Veterinary Conference, in Las Vegas, baby!

June 2009, VTNE(Veterinary Technician National Exam) and then graduation with my whole family at hand.

October 27, 2009, CARVT (California Registered Veterinary Technician) exam.

Today in the mail, the official certificate that my hospital has to post, right next to the doctors' licenses!

My Chickens' First Night

 Sunset  was at 8:11 pm so I went out to the pen a little after 8. The three chickens were milling around, scratching and peeping and seemin...