Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 34 and realization

I planted my cannabis from purchased, guaranteed feminized seeds this year; too many male plants come up when I use my own harvested seeds. The package of 6 seeds had 12 in it, so I germinated all 12. Eleven germinated, so I planted all 11 in solo cups. One succumbed to  ... probably root rot. California law says I can grow 6 plants for personal use, so I offered the remaining 4 to my niece and her boyfriend.

They said the'd pick them up sometime this weekend, then texted how about Saturday late afternoon? I was looking forward to having company. I picked some lemons for them. I woke, fed, and divided my sourdough starter so I could give them a jar of it. I cleaned the stove top because he is a fanatic about clean stoves.

Yesterday -- He came alone because she was surfing; he stayed at least 6' away from me at all times; he thanked me for the extras; he left after 10 minutes.

All along, I've been saying "I'm fine with this social distancing stuff", "I don't mind being home alone with my cats and my crafts all day", "I don't really need people around."

So, tell me, why am I depressed this morning?

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